
Best way to make money with MTN Mobile Money.

MTN is the largest telecommunication network in the world. MTN Yellow Save is a savings product that allows MTN Mobile Money customers to open up a savings account with Fidelity Bank without any stress. With yellow save account you can set up a daily, weekly or monthly savings plan, which will automatically take money from your mobile money wallet and deposit it into your savings account on yellow save.

Being intentional about your savings will help you make extra money which you will then be able to put into your account. Out of your spending you can save up to 5ghc, 10ghc, 20ghc and more. It all depends on the amount which will match up to your strength and it will be deducted into your yellow save account automatically without any stress.

Example 20ghc daily == 7300ghc per annum. You can choose to spend the money on vacations, parties , birthdays, shower loved ones with gifts and more, but the best option is to reinvest the money into stocks, treasury bills, cryptocurrency and other investment platform without spending it extravagantly. In this article, we are going to dive into how we can make a lot of money using yellow save on MTN Mobile Money.

Setting up Yellow save account

Step 1
Dial ×170#

Select option 5 (financial services)

Option 5

Step 2
Select option 2 (savings)

Option 2

Step 3
Select option 1 (yellow save)

Option 1

Register and create your yellow save account.

Register and start saving

When you click on register, a pop up menu will appear 1. Next 2. I have read ;proceed to register. Click on the 2. I have read;proceed to register. A new pop will appear again, 1. Proceed. 2. Cancel. Click on proceed. You will be ask to set up a yellow account pin. Set up your password or pin and proceed to the next step. After that, you will be ask to make your first deposit to make the account active, initial deposit is 2ghc.

You can choose to change your pin after registration. You can check your progress in your savings. You can choose to redraw at anytime you want to. You can change your savings plan to suit your preferences.

Create a savings plan

After successfully creating your account redial the ussd code ×170# again follow the same procedure from there you will be asked to create a savings plan that’s where you can choose to save from 2ghc, 5ghc , 10ghc, 20ghc which you can set it up to daily, weekly or monthly and it will be deducted automatically to your yellow save account.

Reinvest savings

Every quarterly thus every 3 months you can choose to invest your savings into stocks, cryptocurrency, treasury bills to help increase and build you more wealth. You can choose to do anything to your own savings, but i recommend that you put your investment to work for you to make more profit. This investment will amount to getting more money, which you will be able to cater for all your expenses.

This is therefore not a-get-rich-quick-scheme, but it’s about building wealth slowly which will amount to increasing wealth overtime. One thing is, you need not to save it manually, but it will be deducted automatically. You can start off with a small amount and increase it overtime.
NOTE : This is not a financial advice and am not a financial expert. Kindly do more research or speak to a financial expert for further information and assistance.

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